How to Meditate 2

Daniel Kim
2 min readOct 16, 2021

How to let go

There are many things that you are holding like emotions, works, and something that happens in your life. It feels really heavy on your shoulders when you have so many things to hold, so in this article, we’re gonna talk about letting things go.

Letting things go isn’t that easy to do, but it feels calm, and comfortable when you let things go like if you have more stuff in your backpack it feels heavy, but when there are not many things in your backpack it feels lighter. So this is why we should let difficult emotions, things that are very heavy.

For example, if you have many difficult emotions, and hard times it feels overwhelming and pressuring that you couldn’t relax, so that’s why we try to let things go. So if you want to let something go, just don’t think about them, that’s the easiest way to let go.


Also in this article, we’re gonna talk about visualizing. Visualizing isn’t that hard. Close your eyes, and visualize something like a sun, waves, winds in front of you. Easy right? These skills help you approaching your visualization as you meditate. And visualization clears your mind from complexity.

Today we talked about how to let things go to me more relaxable, and visualization to have a clear mind. Letting things go will let you out of stress. And visualization we’re gonna use this skill when we’re meditating.

Steps to mediate in this article!

Step1. Close your eyes, and be sitting or standing up.

Step2. Be comfortable

Step3. Imagine there’s a sun in front of you.

Step4. Think your body is filled with sunlight. (Relaxed?)

Step5. If you are done meditating, bring the great feeling with you.

I hope these two things(letting things go and visualization) make it less stressful for all kinds of stress things. I think letting things go is really helpful in our lives. So I hope you liked this article, and I’ll see you in the next one! Thank You for reading!

Source:(Headspace Guide to Meditation, Netflix)



Daniel Kim

Hello, I’m Daniel Kim. I write helpful tips about life.